Thursday, August 19, 2010


We are home and safe. It was an awesome trip and I will post details and photos soon. Going to fix breakfast now that everyone is awake. Ani slept in and Cody whined all night. Hope the boy learns to sleep soon.

Monday, August 9, 2010

On the road

Today we are heading to Nana and Papaw's house. "Vegas baby" as Ani says. We are all very excited and looking forward to the adventures that lie ahead. Cody will have to ride on my lap and I am not sure how he will handle the confinement. He wants to go, go, go but has not figured out how yet. I am counting the days that I have left to just sit with him and play. Once he gets moving, look out.

Ani is such a great traveler and a wonderful, happy child. She has her pillow, just in case she needs to rest, and lots of things to do. She knows that I also put a few little surprises in her backpack for the plane too. Now, we wait. A few more hours until we can leave and just going to swim and hang out this morning until it is time. I am looking forward to time with Mom and Dad too. Not sure if anyone is listening, but God bless you all!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Before and After

Cody started cereal last week. At his 6 month checkup, he weighed 20 lbs 14 oz and was 28.5 inches long. He is a very healthy boy. This is just before his first bowl of cereal....

And this is after...he was not as impressed as Ani. I know he will catch on soon. After all, I'm sure rice cereal isn't all that great.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Mommy is human

Last week we loaded the kids up and headed to GA. I got to spend some time out in the field at the 2010 Bat Blitz. My friend Nikki works for GA DNR and invited us to come and participate. After 2 years of planning, it rained the first night. Bummer!

They did catch a few bats but nothing to put a transmitter on (which was my job). The skies cleared for the second night but still no bats to transmitter. This is Lee's Eco-Tech truck. We were ready for anything or going anywhere to find them. It was ok because I got to be a grownup for a few hours and Daddy got some time with the kids.

Here is a picture of getting ready and one from the top of Fort Mountain. That is a beautiful state park and well worth going back.