Sunday, March 13, 2011

Happy 7th

It has been a busy weekend but I wanted to take a brief moment and wish Ani a happy 7th birthday! I am amazed that she is already 7 yrs old. I am thankful that she calls me Mommy. I hope you have a great birthday sweetheart and many more happy years to come.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A van, 2 teeth, and mountain climbing

Our week was busy. We just purchased a new mini-van. It is shiny, red and really big. I was hesitant at first but having driven it for a few days, I can see that this was a good choice for us. Ani loves the buttons and automatic doors. Cody thinks the lights in the ceiling are too cool. It is going to be great on our trip to Florida in April.

Teeth: Cody has tooth #7 and working on his first molar. Ani has another molar and was complaining about Cody's whining. She said "don't know why he is crying, it doesn't even hurt." Coming from a real pro! She has a top tooth getting loose too. One in and one out, that is Brian's policy with me buying purses and now it is so with teeth in the house.

Cody is growing so fast these days! He is finally sleeping more which has given him more energy. He is using that energy for things like climbing stairs and now the activity table. I call it Mt. Cody because he is so proud sitting on top of it, as if he has conquered a mountain. Well, he climbs anything he can these days. This box was low enough I could snap a picture before getting him down. I know this will soon be followed by the couch and Brian is predicting the table. I just pray I can stay one step ahead and at least be there to catch him if he falls. Needless to say, we are all tired at night. I am hoping for spring. Don't want to wish my life away, but really tired of the winds and want the kids to be able to get outside.

I made special valentines on the internet this year. I proofed them 3 times and sent them off. Last week, Ani and I sat down to create our masterpieces. As she worked, she looked up and said "Mom, why do they say 2010?" I was so happy to be ahead of the ballgame and have them made and here in time to send them to you, on-time. Guess I haven't made the switch yet. Sorry everyone.

We ate supper at Chick-fil-A tonight. It was not the Valentine's some might appreciate but the kids loved it. We ate and laughed and played, and were not the only mom and kids there tonight. I love those kids and am truly happy to be a mini-van driving mom. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you. We love you!

PS. I will post pictures tomorrow so check back with us.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Birthday Man!

Cody is one today!
We made it through the first year even with very little sleep. Today is a day of reflection for me as I try to remember all of the little things that make my son such an awesome human! I cannot even imagine the great things he will accomplish and know and travel to see.

I am so excited to see all of the new things he does each day. For instance, he and Daddy love to "high-five" and he listens whenever Ani is reading a book to him. He is starting to climb the stairs and I am hoping out of the crib is not next. I am amazed that is already a one-man wrecking service.No dog kennel is too small or mountain too big. He is pulling up on everything and has turned everything in the house into some sort of drum or musical instrument. We have been going to Romp-n-roll baby gym class and having a blast. He will eat anything you put in front of him. I was cutting up a pear for him and he snatched it and started eating it.

Cody loves to imitate every sound and face I make. I am trying to get a photo of "the old man face." I think it is his thinking face but boy is it funny and he knows it. You can't help but smile when he smiles at you. He loves to help me with the laundry. I will go ahead and say "you're welcome" to my future daughter-in-law. Ha!Ha!

I am in awe at the sweet hugs and slobbery kisses I get each day. Thanks to God that I can be at home for them! I just can't believe that it has been a year. I can't remember as much as I was hoping but I know I was there ever day and as much as I can for Cody (and Ani too). I know that I am not the best about writing all of this down, and I intend to do better in 2011. I just hope that one day they will be able to read the stories and look at the pictures and know Mommy loves them so much.

Happy 1st Birthday Little Bear!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy 2011

Just a quick note to thank everyone for the wonderful blessing we received this Christmas season. Of course, we thank God first for the ultimate gift of his son. Now that I have children, in my own human way, I may have a tiny bit of understanding of the true sacrifice. We were blessed to see many friends and family, kept safe through all kinds of weather and returned home to VA safely. I will post pictures soon but wanted to get in a quick thank you to all!