Thursday, August 30, 2012

Moving day!

The last week has been filled with yucky carpet, new hardwood and carpet, and lots and lots of cleaning. It will all be worth it when we can finally say we are home. This has been a long summer and I think the kids have made the best of it, despite my attitude some days. It will be over soon and they can have their toys back, regular bed/bath times, and a yard all their own! I have prayed for that for them for many weeks now. I'm taking my time unpacking this time. I'll do their rooms first and then organize when Cody is asleep and Ani is at school. We have the long weekend too where we can trade working and playing. It is a nice house that will hopefully be HOME soon. Ani is doing so well in school and likes her new friends. I know the summer isolation was tough for her but it is finally almost over! Cody is potty training. He does great when mommy focuses. Soon I can focus again. Wish us luck and send us prayers! There is a lot of pizza and subs in our next few days. As in the poem "Footprints", I see only one set of footprints leading us today and I am so greatful!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Moving update from June 15, 2012

Each day is filled with a list of things to do and folks to see. I'm busy keeping the kids happy and spending time with friends. I thought our roots in Virginia weren't deep, but I was wrong. Sometimes I'm too self-centered to appreciate the love and comradery that has surrounded us for the past two years. That has given me a renewed confidence that this move will lead us to special people that will become part of our hearts. Ani had her first girl's sleepover. Marsha, thankfully came to help. She has such a good time and all of the girls got along so well. They played games, painted nails, giggled, watched tv and ate. I think she had such a great time and so did Cody. He thought he was so big! On Tuesday the movers came to estimate how much stuff we had. That may the move very real. I'm starting to pack the things we need for a week in transit and what we want to have in the apartment, or wherever we live. It is a bit overwhelming to decipher but I'm trying. I do hate to say goodbye! I do not like change! I do like and adventure and I'm looking forward to watching my kids discovering the West and all that that can encompass. We will be ok and I hope and pray that we thrive. Focus! Faith! Tolerance! Peace! That is what I cling to these days.

Another first

Today was Ani's first day of 3rd grade. She was very reserved this morning. I was surprized. We drove to the new house then walked to school. She has to wait in line outside the classroom until the bell but she chose to stand with Cody and I until time to go in. I was glad to hang onto her a few moments more! When it came time to go she was hesitant but went on in by herself. When I came to get her, she ran out and gave me the longest, intense hug (as if to reassure herself she was safe in my arms again). It was precious and my goal in life is to earn a hug like that from each of them every day! A lot of news/firsts right now for both of my precious babies! Codyman, as he calls himself these days, is potty training. Doing pretty well most days. Even pooped for the first time last Wednesday, aug 15. So proud of both of my babies!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

On the road

We are on the road again, well almost. Ani is on the road and had finally learned to ride her bike. I'm so excited for her and this new freedom. It will come with bumps and bruises but well worth it. I know as a parent that I should teach Cody before he is eight. As for the rest of us, the move is becoming so real for us as we enter the last week in VA. I'm am thankful for the peace that God has given me! As long as I stay focused, my burden is not my own.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Second one down

So second grade is done! It was a sad day for Ani, therefore it was a sad day for me. She didn't want to say good bye to her teacher, Mrs. Monceaux. We have been blessed with wonderful, caring teachers for her thus far. I'm greatful for those with a gift to teach. Not just to teach but to inspire, love, encourage and challenge! My sweet girl has grown so much and is embracing this new chapter of our lives. Our days will not all be easy as move from the familiarity of our Virginia home to the vast Denver horizon. However, we will be together and I am a better person for having these beautiful little people in my life. I hope one day they can say the same about me.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ch ch ch changes

Changes come big and small, fast and slow, happy and sad. I think we have all of them rolled into the last month. First today. My little boy is growing so fast I cannot catch my breath to even say slow down. Today he went pee in the potty, twice! He loves candy and sweets so I think I will have to find a healthy sweet treat to keep him motivated. As for my sweet pea, she finishes second grade tomorrow. She is so sweet and so mature. I just can't stand the thoughts of third grade. She lost another tooth yesterday and got a silver crown from the dentist. She has been identified as gifted in reading and math. I always knew she was special and now the schools will know it too! I know I push her so hard, as I want her to be great and get those things she wants in life. For now, I hold them in my arms, we do tye dye, make cookies, and sing silly songs off key as drive from place to place. It has it's moments of frustration, but I wouldn't change a thing! I love these guys! Pictures tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

All gone

I know someday my son will not appreciate this entry. As we are driving home from taking Ani to school, I hear him say "Mommy, I ate my nose all gone." I said what? And he repeat again the same sentence. I asked "are you talking about boogers?" and he responds "yes mommy."

Gross and funny! How do I break this?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's spring

It's spring, although it has felt like spring all winter. I am letting Cody go outside and play with Ani in the back yard. He loves it and she can play her reindeer games with someone new this year. So today, he was playing outside and when he came in, he handed me a petal from the magnolia tree next door and said "mom, I bring you a flower." My heart melted as he stood their grinning. I gave him a big hug and he quickly hurried back outside. In a few minutes, he returned with another petal and shortly after, another. He was so proud and I saw a sweet little man growing up too soon.

I am so thankful for this time with my kids and pray I can treasure these moments!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Eight is enough

My sweet, funny, energetic, creative little girl is 8 years old today. I hope she knows that as much as I push her with responsibility and duty, I really wish she would stay little longer. I'm fascinated with what she knows and how she thinks. I don't always understand the stories or jokes she tells. I just hope deep down she knows that I love her and I'm not too busy raising her to hug her everyday! She is such an awesome kid. I need to do a better job of telling her that.

So cheers to the kid, the love of my life, my sweet baby Ani. I love you and happy 8th birthday.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Not to brag about my kids, but they are amazing. Teachers are working with her to test her abilities right now. They think she may qualify for gifted and talented. We are so proud of her and yet are struggling to put her abilities on paper in the application. I want to do my best for her but I guess I just need to put it in God's hands and let his words take her where she is supposed to go.

As for Cody, well is a man of many words as well. He said yesterday "I like the bird on your shirt, daddy. I need to make I write this down so I don't have to wander around for words with him in a few years.

I'm trying to give my kids the wings they deserve by using my words. I hope that I can now and forever let them fly!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Silence no more

I have been silent way too long. I have been living life without blogging but I have had so much to say. No more!

Today Cody had his first big boy haircut today. He wasn't so sure about sitting in the chair. I convinced him to stay and he could have a sucker, such a sweet tooth. He is such a good kid and so is Ani! She is very helpful and loving. She was so happy to get a sucker too.