Saturday, July 17, 2010

Catching up

My first post was well over a year ago. At the time, I was facing the last summer with Ani before she started school. I was excited and full of plans and dreams of swimming, sidewalk chalk, ice cream, and our wonderful garden. We planted green beans, carrots, okra, hot peppers, and a million tomatoes. I was going to teach Ani where her food came from, how to preserve it, and how wonderful it was to spend a day in the garden as I did as a child.

Plans changed as we soon found out that a second child, Cody, was on the way. Praise God! I had waited so long and now a baby. How would Ani react? She has been asking for a brother for almost 2 years now. How will I juggle two? Everyone says your heart grows and from the beginning, I could see that too. I did feel so great through this pregnancy, but here are some of the highlights in pictures from the year. I will definately do better now. It just may be random thoughts from 2am.

Here we go....

We finally made it to Yellowstone! We camped for a week with Nana and Papaw. It was awesome and I would love to try to see it again. If we can survive another trip. Ha!Ha! Those of you that know us, know this was our third attempt. I will continue to catch you up on the past year and fill you in on our new life in VA as I can.

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